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Seasons Have Reasons

Seasons Have Reasons

"I can see the promise I can see the future You're the God of seasons And I'm just in the winter If all I know of harvest Is that it's worth my patience Then if You're not done working God I'm not done waiting"

2 0 1 9

I heard this song about a year ago and it really just spoke to my heart in so many ways. At that time, I was in a very dry season of my life.Today, I heard it on the radio and it "hit differently." This year has been a year of ups and downs and I have honestly went through so many seasons in just this one year. So, I want to share with you what God has shown me in 2019 in hopes that you can relate to it.

Winter 2019

The beginning of this year was a somewhat of a challenge to me.This last school year I had to take on a job that I wasn't exactly prepared for,being a coach. Now, if you know me then you know that I don't exactly fit the coach stereotype (I mean..I blog about fashion and I am as girly as they come,haha) A lot of people actually laughed when I told them that I coached soccer. It was a season of pushing myself out of my comfort zone.. a lot. God showed me a few things through this season, though.

Love People No Matter Where You are Planted

It took me a little bit to realize that maybe it was God's plan for me to be a coach. I made so many mistakes and I was definitely not my best self 100% of the time. In time,I figured out that these girls needed a little bit of love. I fell in love with this group of girls. They showed me love in so many ways, too. My advice for you is that wherever God has placed you right now, learn to love the ones that you are around. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it pushes us to our limits, sometimes those people are broken and needy, but love them anyways.

"People Don't Care How Much You Know, Until They Know How Much you Care"

One of the most challenging parts of this season is that I did not know anything about the sport of Soccer or being a coach. I figured out that it didn't really matter in the end. I started to care for this job and I started showing the girls how much I cared for them. The rewards were evident by the end of the Soccer SEASON. So, this can be applied to any of our lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in showing people how smart we are and how much we know. Especially when it comes to Christianity. I feel like this goes hand in hand with loving others. Sometimes it is the simple fact that we care and we love them that makes all of the difference not how much we know about God or the Bible.


My word of the year was MINDSET and it was really relevant to this season. Sometimes we can have a negative mindset and miss the opportunity that God has put before us. When we start changing our mindset to "God, You have given me this opportunity and I am going to use it to glorify You" it changes the way He can use us. So many of my issues begin with what goes on in my mind and the negative thoughts that I let effect the way I think and act. When you start rebuking the enemy's voice and start listening to God's voice instead it changes your perspective on almost everything.

Spring 2019

A Beautiful Family Story

Spring was when I saw my family's story come into full circle. Last year, I found out that my mom gave a baby up for adoption when I was four years old. It is a long but beautiful story. This Spring, we finally got to meet him, his fiance, and his family. It was a beautiful moment for all of us. This season I really saw that God had a reason for everything that we went through in the early years of my life. I figured out there were small wounds and questions that I had from when I was younger and those were finally healed after 19 years. God used my mom to give a family a chance of having a child after 15 years of trying. In that situation, my mom chose the road of redemption and grew into the greatest mom I could ever ask for. Without God speaking adoption into my mom's heart, our family's story could have turned out so differently. This proved to me that some seasons last for 19 years and some seasons last for just a few months,but God has a purpose for each of our stories.Some people's story have broken parts and things that we are not so proud of,but everyone's story is beautiful in some way. God has the ability to change the course of our lives with one single decision. It proved to me how important it was to listen to God's voice and definitely laid the foundation for the next season of my life.

Summer 2019

Listening to God's Voice

This Summer was when God reminded me of something that He spoke to me in 2018, to use Instagram and blogging as a platform. I tried it before and I had no idea what I was doing. So, I got discouraged really fast and I quit pretty quickly. God was speaking to me again and I was scared. I knew I would have to put myself out there more. There were so many voices in my head telling me that I wasn't "good enough" and I was worried what people would think about me. I did it anyways because I knew God was speaking it to my heart. I learned a lot about myself through it and I gained so much confidence in myself. I have always struggled with self-confidence, but when I started walking in God's calling and using my gifts I got the spiritual self confidence,rather looking for it in the world and from other people.

When I started walking in this small calling, God started speaking to me more and more. I got the confidence to finally start a Bible Study, something that I had been fighting for years. It was that same voice that was keeping me back from going after what God was telling me to do. The Bible Study was a big blessing and the book that we studied wrecked me in such a good way.This season was such a growing season for me. It showed me how important it was to obey God and how much He can bless obedience. I am stubborn and I resist or doubt the still small voice of God sometimes. When I started listening, new chapters and new doors were opened up for me. I wish I could express to you how important it is to not ignore God's voice in your life.


Fall / Winter 2019

M a r r i a g e

Although, I feel like this season it is not over this season has not felt like it has been the easiest. Honestly, I don't even have words to describe the last season. Of course, when school starts back I get busy. I began to have less time to make for blogging and Instagram and I definitely struggled with making content. Somehow, I was still on my phone way too much. I took a break from social media for three weeks. During this time, I decided to read more books and focus on my marriage. I realized that I had been focusing on myself and my feelings for too long. I was putting work, social media, and myself before my own marriage. I had been going through the motions and I got comfortable where my marriage was. Jarrett and I don't argue and we love each other very much and that had become enough for me. I had lost touch with being intentional with my husband. This was a HARD realization for me. The guilt that I felt was a burden. Thank God (literally) I have an amazing husband that shows so much grace. All around me there are marriages failing and even though divorce is not even in our vocabulary I see the risks of becoming complacent in marriage. I decided to reread The Five Love Languages." It spoke to me so much more deeply to me this time. I believe that each and every single couple are two imperfect people that are saved by a perfect God. He cares so much about the eternal relationship of married couples. Marriage is for forever and it takes patience,love,choosing each other,compassion,intentional acts,and the word of God to make it to eternity. This season was a growing season for me as a wife, for sure.

Seasons Have Reasons

I know 2019 has been great for some people and terrible for others. Where ever you are in this season of life... I want you to know that God sees you. There is a purpose for whatever you are walking through. God is writing your story a page and a chapter at a time. Seasons can be short and some feel like they will last forever. This life on Earth does not protect us from going through life without struggles and circumstances. I hope you cling to that child-like faith and know that God is right there with you in the fire. He is holding your hand and leading and guiding you even when you feel like He is no where to be find. In the dry season, keep praying, hoping, believing, that your BREAKTHROUGH is coming. I know it gets hard. Believe me, I was in a season that lasted three years of wondering what in the world God's plan was for my life. Listen to that small voice that whispers to you that says, "I love you." When we realize that God's love is enough. We can get through those hard seasons and we can rejoice when we are going through the good seasons. Just remember that your season has a reason. It is not without purpose.

Books that have helped me this year:

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